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Feature Road Map
  1. Dark mode Done

    Site will now show a dark color pallete if your device is in dark mode in OS system settings

  2. Add to queue Done

    Allow users to add songs to the play queue.

  3. Desktop mode Done

    Give the desktop some love! Many of the screens are now desktop friendly. More to come.

  4. Fast search Done

    Provide users a super-fast way to find specfic songs based on Artist, Album or Song title

  5. User Accounts

    User accounts with social login. This will open up the potential for custom playlists, favorites and more.

  6. Have an idea?

    Use the feedback form above to drop us a note! Your vote helps us decide what to add to the app next.


A more complete library is coming soon.
But while you're here, mind telling us what you think of the app?

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